While many of the best practices in food manufacturing cleaning can be applied to commercial bakery cleaning, some processes need to be modified. Bakeries tend to be dusty environments – and the introduction of water and wet chemicals may make the process more difficult.
There are a number of different techniques and practices that you can implement that may make the cleaning process of your commercial bakery more efficient and effective.
Use dry cleaning techniques
Dry cleaning techniques differ from the traditional wet cleaning you might have seen. These techniques are particularly useful for keeping moisture to a minimum in areas that can’t be dried effectively. Dry cleaning and sanitisation involve using methods such as:
- Blowing off excess flour and debris using an air gun
- vacuuming with Hepa air filters to remove dust particles;
- dry brushes and mops for cleaning up debris;
- alcohol-based cleaners for sanitisation; and
- dry or low-moisture steam cleaning.
Keep contaminants to a minimum
Keeping contaminants to a minimum is important to keep food-borne illnesses from reaching your end customers, as well as protecting customers from potential allergens. Pans and trays need to be washed thoroughly to ensure there is no build-up of ingredients. They then should be sanitised ready for the next use.
Floors also need to be swept regularly. Commercial bakeries are particularly prone to spillages due to crumbs and ingredients, so by keeping floors clean you can help reduce the chance of contamination. Grease and dust particles can build up on the walls and ceiling of your facility, so don’t forget to keep these surfaces clean.
Degrease ovens and filters regularly
Ovens and filters need to be cleaned regularly to remove the accumulation of grease. Grease is also a potential fire hazard, so it is extremely important to keep it to a minimum. Having greasy ovens provides an environment where crumbs and debris can stick, leading to potential contamination issues.
Clean equipment will also result in a higher quality product for your end-consumer, as well as a better functioning oven. Remove all the grease using a degreaser and selected cleaning method, then ensure any equipment is completely dry before using it again.
Clean your storage areas
While it is vitally important that food manufacturing equipment is cleaned regularly, storage equipment is also just as important. Remove all produce and stock from shelves, and thoroughly wash and dry them. This includes fridges and freezers, as cold environments are perfect environments for bacteria growth.
Food manufacturing best practices still apply
While some of the techniques may differ for commercial bakery cleaning, it’s important to remember the best practices in food manufacturing cleaning still apply.
- Undertake a pre-cleaning audit
- Follow a documented cleaning process
- Have a cleaning schedule
- Ensure your cleaning adheres to Food Standards
Poorly maintained equipment and facilities will inevitably lead to poor production outcomes. It is also important to adhere to the standards set by Food Standards Australia and New Zealand. By having a well-documented cleaning process in place, you’ll improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your production.
Orbit Cleaning Service Australia are commercial cleaners with over 30 years of experience, specialising in the food manufacturing industry. We take pride in our high-quality cleaning services, tailored specifically to the needs of our clients.
For more information about our food factory cleaning service, contact us on 1300 660 699.